Sensor Planning for Mobile Robot Localization Using Bayesian Network Inference
We propose a new method of sensor planning for mobile robot
localization using Bayesian network inference. Since we can model causal
relations between situations of the robot's behavior and sensing events
as nodes of a Bayesian network, we can use the inference of the network
for dealing with uncertainty in sensor planning and thus derive appropriate
sensing actions.
In this system we employ a multi-layered-behavior architecture for navigation and localization. This architecture effectively combines mapping of local sensor information and the inference via a Bayesian network for sensor planning. The mobile robot recognizes the local sensor patterns for localization and navigation using a learned regression function. Since the environment may change during the navigation and the sensor capability has limitations in the real world, the mobile robot actively gathers sensor information to construct and reconstruct a Bayesian network, then derives an appropriate sensing action which maximizes a utility function based on inference of the reconstructed network. The utility function takes into account belief of the localization and the sensing cost. We have conducted some simulation experiments and real robot experiments to validate the sensor planning system. |
Journal papers:
H.Zhou, S.Sakane, ``Sensor planning for mobile robot localization using Bayesian network Inference,'' Journal of Advanced Robotics (2002). To appear. (pdf) (ps.gz) |
International conference papers:
H.Zhou, S.Sakane, ``Sensor Planning for Mobile Robot Localization using Bayesian Network Representation and Inference,'' Proc. 2002 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2002). To apear. (pdf) (ps.gz) |
H.Zhou, S.Sakane, ``Sensor planning for mobile robot localization based on probabilistic inference using Bayesian network,'' Proc. Int. Symposium on Assembly and Task Plannings (ISATP2001), pp.7-12, 2001. (pdf) (ps.gz) |
Japanese conference papers:
Hongjun Zhou, Shigeyuki Sakane, Sensor
Planning for Mobile Robot Localization Using Bayesian Network |
Hongjun Zhou, Shigeyuki Sakane, Sensor
Planning for Mobile |
Hongjun Zhou, Shigeyuki Sakane, Sensor
planning for mobile robot localization -An approach using Bayesian network inference-, Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2000(RSJ00), pp.991-992, 2000.9 |